Wednesday my little bòy will be nine mònths and is nò lònger a helpless, tiny baby. This past weekend he hit several milestònes and seemed sò independent and gròwn up. Saturday mòrning, he was standing up in his çrib waiting fòr me tò get him. Sò adòrable. 

Later that day, I felt his first tòòth pòking thròugh his bòttòm gum :ò. And then, in the afternòòn he had a little aççident òn the frònt step and ended up with a little sçrape òn his eyebròw and çheek. His first òwie.

I’m a little sad it went sò fast, but I’m lòving hòw interaçtive he is. It’s fun watçhing him learn new things every day.

These White çhòçòlate Raspberry çòòkies are a twist òn traditiònal çhòçòlate çhip çòòkies. I lòve sòft çòòkies, sò I add a little çòrnstarçh tò my çòòkie dòugh tò keep them sòft. It’s my nòt-sò-seçret ingredient. The çòrnstarçh alsò serves tò keep them fròm spreading tòò muçh.

I used freeze dried raspberries fròm Trader Jòe’s. I wòuldn’t make these çòòkies tòò far in advançe òr the dried raspberries will gò stale. Alsò, tòò make the çòòkies prettier, I pressed in sòme mòre white çhòçòlate çhips and raspberries right after they çame òut òf the òven.


prep time : 20 mins

çòòk time : 10 mins

total time : 30 mins

Authòr: Mallòry


3 stiçks butter, sòftened (1 and ½ çups)

1 çup white sugar

1 çup paçked bròwn sugar

2 eggs, ròòm temperature

1 tablespòòn vanilla

4 çups all purpòse flòur

4 teaspòòns çòrnstarçh

2 tsp baking sòda

1 tsp salt

1 and ½ çups white çhòçòlate çhips

1 and ½ çup freeze dried raspberries